
Install GUI Environment on CentOS 6

This tutorial describes how to install GUI environment on centos sever version.

Video Tutorial


1. Login to your OS

2. Make sure that your packages and dependencies are up-to-date.

# yum update -y

3. Install the files required.

# yum groupinstall -y "X Window System" "Desktop"
# yum install -y gnome-core xfce4 xorg-x11-fonts

4. Open 'inittab' file.

# vim /etc/inittab

5. Scroll down to the bottom, until you see the line:


6. Change the 3 to 5. The line should be the same as the line below:


7. Save the file. :wq<RETURN>

8. Reboot the system.


How to Install xrdp Remote Desktop on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6

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